Re: ISSUE 5.14 - Ontology versioning

> <url> priorVersion <url>.
> <url> backCompatWith <url>.

I assume

  owl:priorVersion rdfs:domain owl:Ontology
  owl:priorVersion rdfs:range owl:Ontology
  owl:backCompatWith rdfs:domain owl:Ontology
  owl:backCompatWith rdfs:range owl:Ontology

> Assuming A backCompatWith B, then:
> * A priorVersion B.

I assume

  owl:backCompatWith rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:priorVersion

> <url> deprecates <classId>
> <url> deprecates <propertyId>

I'd prefer to view deprecation as a unary predicate on a
class or property.  Unary predicates are implemented as
Classes in RDF/OWL, so I'd introduce a class owl:Deprecated,
used as

  myont:myClass rdf:type owl:Class 
  myont:myClass rdf:type owl:Deprecated

owl:Deprecated might also be applied to owl:Ontology


Received on Monday, 9 September 2002 20:25:50 UTC