???: changing terminology used in OWL from individual to object

Pat Emery makes the following comment about our use of ``individual''.

From: "Emery, Pat" <pemery@grci.com>
Subject: OWL working drafts - feedback
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 22:27:19 -0400 
> The use of Individual for "objects that belong to classes" while
> semantically correct leads very easily to confusion with its definition
> pertaining particularly to people.  The confusion is further reinforced by
> the use of people in the examples in the Feature Synopsis.  I favor the use
> of the word "Object" but other potential words to use instead of Individual
> are: Item, Thing, Entity, Occurrence, Singleton, Solitare.

I am sympathetic to this concern.  Perhaps we could change to Object, as
Pat Hayes has already partly done in his semantics document.

Can we discuss this at the next telecon?


Received on Saturday, 7 September 2002 09:32:23 UTC