Re: yet another non-entailment (was Re: another revision of semantics document)

>I found one two, or rather an infinite set ...
>for any three natural numbers iii, jjj, kkk such that
>    iii+jjj>=kkk
>following Peter's semantics we have:
>:p rdfs:subPropertyOf :r .
>:q rdfs:subPropertyOf :r .
>_:x rdf:type rdfs:Class .
>_:x owl:intersectionOf [
>    <<:p owl:minCardinality iii>>
>    <<:q owl:minCardinality jjj>>
>] .
>_:x rdfs:subClassOf
>    <<:r owl:minCardinility kkk>> .
>(using notation from
>Since this entailment uses rather more arithmetic than I feel confortable
>with, I prefer it being a non-entailment.

I need to look at this example more closely (dont quote see why we 
need the plus sign in the inequality) but the general point is well 
taken. There is a danger in introducing arithmetic comparisons into 
any logic. I think we need to be careful to state the cardinality 
conditions with 'guards' on them so that the 'integers' involved are 
restricted in some way, eg maybe totally ordered by < but not, say, 
an arithmetic field.


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Received on Friday, 6 September 2002 04:58:24 UTC