WOWG: key issues

WG members,

In the upcoming weeks the WG has to take decisions on some key
issues. Looking at our issues list, two issues seem to be critical, in
the sense that the resolution of many other issues depends on them:

   ISSUE 5.1: Uniform treatment of literal/data values
   [The DAML+OIL distinction between object- and datatypeproperties
   prevents use of e.g.   FunctionalProperty for datatype-properties]

   ISSUE 5.19: Classes as instances
   [Requirement 14; several use cases, RDF feature, but not clear how OWL
   can support this. Also termed: "classes/properties should be in the
   domain of discourse" ]

We are opening these two issues for discussion, hoping that in the
course of a couple of weeks we can find a basis for a resolution. We
encourage all to participate in these discussions, but we would like
to lay down a few principles for a constructive debate:

- a statement wrt. these issues should be backed by concrete examples,
   preferably based on our use cases or the examples in the Guide.
- remember that these issues concern expressivity/tractability
   trade-offs. Therefore, absolute statements such as "this is not
   computationally tractable" are strongly discouraged. Please make
   clear with examples what you win/lose when choosing a particular
   option. This is the best way to prepare for an informed WG

We look forward to intense but polite discussions.

Jim & Guus

Received on Tuesday, 3 September 2002 03:28:10 UTC