WEBONT Datatypes presentation and feedback

Thank you once again to the chairs and the WG for making time to help us 
with this issue.  I have attached a copy of the slides I used to this email.

Here is my summary of the results I noted:

A: 5 found this unacceptable - it breaks owl in that there can be multiple 
cardinality properties with different lexical forms e.g. "1" and "01".

B: 6 found this unacceptable for the same reason as in A

C: 2 found this unacceptable on the grounds they need long range 
datatyping, they do not want to have to
    explicitly annotate data with specific datatype information

D: 1 found this unacceptable for the same reason as C above. 5 strongly 
disliked it.

E: 1 found it unacceptable because of triple bloat. 4 strongly disliked it 
and 2 liked it.

F: Generally folks liked this one.


Received on Tuesday, 8 October 2002 10:16:14 UTC