Re: SEM: discussions concerning model theory (Re: ADMIN: draft ftf meeting record)


> > the actual action is
> > [[[
> >    23:57:57 [jhendler]
> >    ACTION: Pat will attempt to take abstract syntax, and Peter's MT
> >            and the mapping into RDF and will write a model theory in
> >            the Connolly style (i.e. as an extension to RDF MT) and
> >            see if he can identify the exact issues.
> > ]]]
> >     --
> > which is nice
> 1/ I hope that this is not taken as an excuse to delay any substantive
>    discussion on the issues until after Pat's model theory is produced 
>    debated and debugged), which may not be until well into August.

in the mean time I wanted to beg some help...

we now have it that

  :H owl:oneOf ( :small :medium :tall ) .
  :K owl:oneOf ( :tall :medium :small ) .
  :G owl:oneOf ( :medium :small ) .
  :large rdf:type :H .


  :small rdf:type :H .
  :K owl:sameClassAs :H .
  :G rdfs:subClassOf :K .
  :large eg:inconsistentWith owl:oneOf .

??? so I thought (and tried sucessfully out with
why not having that

  :p owl:extension ( ( :s1 :o1 ) ( :s2 :o2 ) ) .
  :q owl:extension ( ( :s2 :o2 ) ( :s1 :o1 ) ) .
  :r owl:extension ( ( :s1 :o1 ) ) .
  :s3 :p :o3 .

  :s1 :p :o1 .
  :q owl:samePropertyAs :p .
  :r rdfs:subPropertyOf :q .
  ( :s3 :o3 ) eg:inconsistentWith owl:extension .

as ako explicitly stating the definitive extension
of a property and check it's consistencies as well
(just like for classes)

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Tuesday, 16 July 2002 17:07:30 UTC