Re: revised version of semantics document


> > > Why should anyone care at all about the entailment rules?
> >
> > because
> >
> [...]
> OK, agreed, entailment can be related to *inference* rules.
> But why should I care whether ``no new existentials are introduced in 
> [inference] rules''?

OK, e.g. we can't have existentials in the conclusion that are
in the domain of an owl:InverseFunctionalProperty because that
property is simply not defined over it's whole range
(lists in the range of e.g. owl:intersectionOf could contain a
mix of resources being classes, properties, classes/properties
and so many of such intersections simply don't exist and in
general we can't give the list constraints in the premis)

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Friday, 23 August 2002 21:03:08 UTC