Re: revised version of semantics document

[couldn't wait till after my holiday and a pity to miss the telecon]

> The revised version of the semantics document also has serious flaws, at
> least as far as I can see.
> For example, as far as I can see
>       John rdf:type Student .
>       John rdf:type Employee .
> does not entail
>       John rdf:type _:x .
>       _:x intersectionOf _:l1 .
>       _:l1 owl:first Student .
>       _:l1 owl:rest _:l2 .
>       _:l2 owl:first Employee .
>       _:l2 owl:rest owl:nil .
> because there is no requirement that there be an element of the domain 
> discourse whose class extension is the intersection of Student and
> Employee.

the one that I can go with is

  :John a :Student .
  :John a :Employee .
  :C owl:intersectionOf ( :Student :Employee ) .
  :John a :C .

as all models of the premis are also models of the conclusion
and no new existentials are introduced in the entailment rules
(the lists in the conclusions are identical clones)

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA

PS assuming above entailment, the owl:sameClassAs derivation
   that we had in proof tree of

   is now gone as well

Received on Wednesday, 21 August 2002 20:05:38 UTC