RE: proposal for working on the ontology language

> 1/ Semantics
> 2/ Syntax
> 3/ Datatypes
> Who else is interested in doing significant work on this?

I am involved in the RDF Core WG on both syntax and datatypes and I am happy
to contribute in these areas in WOW-G.

On syntax I note that Jim suggested actively using N3. If we wish to do
this, we may wish to standardize N3 at the same time, since the current
specs are rather loose working documents from TBL and DanC. This could be
done similarly to how RDF Core have created n-triple.

On datatypes I note that RDF COre WG are still actively considering this.
One option foor WOWG is to actively engage with RDF Core on the datatype
issue now; the other is to wait until RDF Core have determined an answer and
then to build on that.


Received on Tuesday, 11 December 2001 11:58:07 UTC