RE: Use case categories - 1st cut (action due by Thurs)

> Finally, I think that condradiction/inconsistencies is really a
> requirement of content interoperability, and not a use case in its own
> right. When we integrate heterogeneous content, then we need a means for
> detecting and resolving inconsistencies.
I agree that contradiction and inconsistencies are a requirement rather than
a use case.

I am not clear that we should be setting out to resolve inconsistencies.

I expect the semantic web to be replete with them, just like everyday life.
The game to me appears as one of containing inconsistencies and not letting
them bring down the pack of cards. That is I take a paraconsistent view, and
explicitly reject *ex contradictio quodlibet* (p & !p => q), at least some
of the time.


Received on Thursday, 6 December 2001 11:28:26 UTC