Re: What is the DASL query to search for HTML tags

On 2011-11-08 00:10, poyzner wrote:
> I'm using DASL query. When using<D:contains><![CDATA[font]]></D:contains>
> it's find OK.
> However the following failed (nothing found):
> <D:contains><![CDATA[]]></D:contains>

That's an empty search expression.

> It seems DASL cannot digest "<" or">"

Well, the protocol can, but maybe the implementation that you're using 
can not.

> I've also found that "DASL defines no requirements for searching for
> structure within text media types (e.g. for finding character strings only
> within certain HTML tags" , see


> Is that mean there is no way to search for ""?

It appears you're posting this through a web mailer that eats content :-)

Best regards, Julian

Received on Tuesday, 8 November 2011 12:38:27 UTC