Re: Area Director feedback on draft-reschke-webdav-search-15 re supported query complexity

Julian Reschke wrote:
> 2) Supported query complexity
> The security considerations allow a server to reject queries due to 
> their complexity 
> (<>). 
> Is there any kind of minimum we can require servers to support?
In my opinion nothing is needed to address this.  For one thing, the 
security concern, as stated, applies to all query grammars, not just 
basic search, so if the spec addresses it, it either has to say 
something so general as to be useless, or it can say something about 
basic search alone.  And if we did state a minimum, would it be a SHOULD 
or a MUST?  If a MUST, we'd have to set it fairly low, wouldn't we?

Jim Davis

Received on Monday, 30 June 2008 02:20:48 UTC