Re: I-D ACTION:draft-reschke-webdav-search-12.txt

Julian Reschke schrieb:
> Hi,
> this is draft 12, as previously announced in 
> <>. 
> I have just requested publication as Experimental Standard 
> (<>).
> ...

Input for the IESG:

(a) Implementations:

- Apache Jackrabbit (just the SEARCH method and the DASL header, but not 
the DAV:basicsearch grammar)
- Apache Slide
- Apache/moddav+Catacomb
- Microsoft Exchange/Sharepoint (just the SEARCH method and the DASL 
header, but not the DAV:basicsearch grammar)
- Xythos WFS

(there may be more; feedback appreciated)

(b) Known open issues:

Summarized in 

Best regards, Julian

Received on Friday, 13 April 2007 11:24:58 UTC