Re: DASL language comparison

Jim Whitehead schrieb:

>> Right. I'm currently tempted to close this issue as WONTFIX for the 
>> initial revision, and add an appendix discussing the issues and 
>> potential approaches.
> I'd love to hear a better solution, but I think what you are stating is 
> realistic.

OK, see 
in particular the summary at 

B.1.  Collation Support

    Matching and sorting of textual data relies on collations.  With
    respect to WebDAV SEARCH, a combination of various design approaches
    could be used:

    o  Require server support for specific collations.

    o  Require that the server can advertise which collations it

    o  Allow a client to select the collation to be used.

    In practice, the current implementations of WebDAV SEARCH usually
    rely on backends they do not control, and for which collation
    information may not be available.  To make things worse,
    implementations of the DAV:basicsearch grammar frequently need to
    combine data from multiple underlying stores (such as properties and
    full text content), and thus collation support may vary based on the
    operator or property.

    Another open issue is what collation formalism to support.  At the
    time of this writing, the two specifications below seem to provide
    the necessary framework and thus may be the base for future work on
    collation support in WebDAV SEARCH:

    1.  "Internet Application Protocol Collation Registry" (<http://>).

    2.  "XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators"

Best regards, Julian

Received on Saturday, 30 December 2006 14:50:40 UTC