Re: DASL for 'web searching' ?

Mario Salzer wrote:

> ...
> No, this post is not meant to annoy anyone, I'm just investigating
> if I should carry on with that meta-search-API or better stick to
> something existing and standardized. Complexity aside, my only
> problem is, that DASL seems not applicable in all points. Sure
> another grammar could do it (btw, is there already something else
> than <basicsearch/>?), but then I could simply convert OpenSearch
> from RPC into <opensearch/> XML... ;)

Hi Mario,

correct. SEARCH is

a) a framework based on a new HTTP method and some generic marshalling 
considerations, *and*

b) a specific search grammar that is optimized for WebDAV stores.

Re. your question: Microsoft implementa an early version of DASL minus 
DAV:basicsearch + DAV:sql (which is a Microsoft-proprietary SQL based 
query syntax). I think this is shipping with Sharepoint and Exchange.

Others (Tamino/Slide?) are experimenting with using XPath as search grammar.

Hope this helps,


<green/>bytes GmbH -- -- tel:+492512807760

Received on Tuesday, 29 June 2004 13:09:21 UTC