issue JW24d


here's the proposed resolution for JW24d (xml:lang dependant matching):

5.12  Support for matching xml:lang attributes on properties

The following two optional operators can be used to express conditions on
the language of a property value (as expressed using the xml:lang

5.12.1  DAV:language-defined (optional)

<!ELEMENT language-defined (prop)>

This operator evaluates to TRUE if the language for the value of the given
property is known, FALSE if it isn't and UNKNOWN if the property itself is
not defined.

5.12.2  DAV:language-matches (optional)

<!ELEMENT language-matches (prop, literal)>

This operator evaluates to TRUE if the language for the value of the given
property is known and matches the language name given in the <literal>
element, FALSE if it doesn't match and UNKNOWN if the property itself is not

Languages are considered to match if they are the same, or if the language
of the property value is a sublanguage of the language specified in the
<literal> element (see [XPATH], section 4.3, "lang function").

5.12.3  Example of language-aware matching

The expression below will evaluate to TRUE if the property "foobar" exists
and it's language is either unknown, English or a sublanguage of English.

<or xmlns="DAV:">


<green/>bytes GmbH -- -- tel:+492512807760

Received on Friday, 3 October 2003 11:40:34 UTC