Re: draft-reschke-webdav-search-05 - a few questions on the draft

Wallmer, Martin wrote:

> of course multiple scopes give additional possibilites. But we should 
> keep DASL lightweight. Do you have a usecase for multiple scopes?
There are the obvious use cases in querying different parts of the 
srever namespace that could be handled (albeit less efficiently) with 
multiple SEARCH requests, each having a different scope. It would be 
left to the client, of course, to order these seperate responses if 
needed. The other things I thought of would require an much more 
extended grammar than basicsearch is right now. As is, DASL basicsearch 
is lightweight, useful and extensible - properties that are difficult to 
balance in protocol design. In light of this, I tend to agree with 
Martin that the current mechanisms are best left as is without both 
compelling usecases and clear specification/implementation paths for any 
proposed changes.


Received on Tuesday, 30 September 2003 02:11:50 UTC