Re: Proposed resolution for issue "score-pseudo-property"

I agree that the spec should mention something about the intended 
interaction between DAV:nresults and DAV:score. The most straightforward 
approach would be to state that the server MUST follow the expected 
behavior. As much as I'd like to move the sorting cycles from the server 
to the client, there doesn't seem to be an obvious way to do this while 
still allowing truncated result sets. The fact that a server may 
truncate the result set of a SEARCH, without the client explicitly 
asking it to do so, leads me to believe that sorting is an inherently 
server-side activity.


Julian Reschke wrote:
> [...] The spec as written does not
> define any interaction between DAV:nresults and DAV:score, so if you'd ask
> for 10 results, sorted by score, you still couldn't rely on the 10 results
> being reported actually *being*  the top 10 results. Of course that's what
> people probably would expect, so it seems we need to fix this (the
> interaction of limiting the result set and sorting the results) anyway.

Received on Friday, 29 November 2002 21:43:42 UTC