Re: DAV:like syntax

I think it would be best to keep the DASL patterns the same as in SQL.


Julian Reschke wrote:

>In [1], DASL currently defines:
>Pattern := [wildcard] 0*( text [wildcard] )
>wildcard := exactlyone | zeroormore
>text := 1*( <character> | escapesequence )
>exactlyone : = "?"
>zeroormore := "%"
>escapechar := "\"
>escapesequence := "\" ( exactlyone | zeroormore | escapechar )
>character: see section 2.2 of [XML]
>I can't help noticing that SQL actually uses "_" for "exactlyone". Shouldn't
>we fix that?

Received on Wednesday, 27 November 2002 19:49:31 UTC