- From: Babich, Alan <ABabich@filenet.com>
- Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 12:59:29 -0800
- To: w3c-dist-auth@w3c.org, www-webdav-dasl@w3.org
Julian: SEARH must take a position on spaces. It is a critical issue for string literals. I agree that we're defining a protocol -- something processed by software. The readability of the protocol string is secondary. However, examples are presented in specs., and there is some benefit to having these examples be readable. For many elements, extra whitespace doesn't matter. So including whitespace for such elements is good idea to enhance the presentation of the example in the spec. (but not on the wire). For string literals, however, whitespace is critical. Upon reflection, I agree with you that SEARCH should say that all characters, including all whitespace (i.e., spaces, tabs, carriage returns, vertical form feeds, etc.) in string literals are part of the string literal. Simpler is better. Alan Babich -----Original Message----- From: Julian Reschke [mailto:julian.reschke@gmx.de] Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 3:08 AM To: w3c-dist-auth@w3c.org; www-webdav-dasl@w3.org Subject: xml:space Hi. The WebDAV SEARCH draft currently has an issue regarding treatment of xml:space [1]: it says, that the basicsearch grammer should respect xml:space="default" in a literal element, so that <prop> <foobar xml:space="default"> xyz </foobar> </prop> would really be equivalent to: <prop> <foobar>xyz</foobar> </prop> That's compatible with XML, but it's not consistent with WebDAV (which doesn't say anything about xml:space). The only benefit of xml:space for WebDAV I'm aware of is that you could have indented "beautified" message bodies and have the receiver care about whitespace removal. However, as both WebDAV request and response bodies are generated/consumed by code (not human readers), that's hardly important. So my proposal would be: 1) In WebDAV, state that whitespace *is* significant, 2) Drop the feature in WebDAV SEARCH's DAV:literal. Comments? [1] <http://greenbytes.de/tech/webdav/draft-reschke-webdav-search-latest.html#rf c.issue.JW14>
Received on Friday, 1 March 2002 16:00:02 UTC