DASL Where statement.


 The new DASL draft is out.

 I thought about <where> syntax in DASL.
 If we want to express '( a=b and c=d ) or (e=f and g<h)' ----(*)

 We should use <WHERE> statement like this:


 But if we can use the operation '<d:or/>' in between two element,
 it might be simple
 and might be closer to the normal expression.

 This is the example :


 It is easier to make a SQL statement from the XML statement.

 Also we need some operation elements to express priority such as
 Let's suppose it is "<d:paren>".

 The (*) expression will be translated in DASL XML like this:


 Sung Kim <hunkim@cse.ucsc.edu>

  "Dreams become reality!"

Received on Wednesday, 30 January 2002 17:21:51 UTC