- From: Jim Davis <jrd3@alum.mit.edu>
- Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 17:15:38 -0700
- To: www-webdav-dasl@w3.org
In http://greenbytes.de/tech/webdav/draft-reschke-webdav-search-latest.html#rfc.issue.query-on-href says "DAV:href isn't a property, so it can't be used in queries. Is this a problem? Examples where DAV:displayname is queried instead seem to indicate that. A possible solution would be to allow DAV:href whereever DAV:prop is allowed in the where clause." I don't think it's a problem. Can any one provide a use case that is impossible because of this? note that DASL is for searching WebDAV *resources* not for searching the name space of URLs. Note that there could easily be multiple URLs for the same resource, or URLs that are constructed on the fly. I don't think DASL can support searching the href itself. It's not meaningful. Displayname on the other hand, is a meaningful and stable property of a resource. The display name is NOT the URL. Can we close this issues?
Received on Monday, 27 May 2002 20:15:10 UTC