- From: <issre@cse.cuhk.edu.hk>
- Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 02:32:18 +0800 (HKT)
- To: www-webdav-dasl@w3.org
(We apologize if you received multiple copies of this.) ******************************************************** *** CALL FOR PAPERS *** *** *** *** 12th International Symposium *** *** on *** *** Software Reliability Engineering *** *** (ISSRE 2001) *** *** http://www.issre2001.org *** *** *** *** Nov. 28 - Dec. 1, Hong Kong *** *** *** ******************************************************** The International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering is the leading symposium for dissemination of state-of-the-art software reliability research and engineering practice. The 12th edition of ISSRE will be held in the New World Renaissance Hotel in Hong Kong, and will have as special theme Software Reliability Engineering for Internet and E-Commerce. Hong Kong is a fitting place to focus on software reliability engineering aspects of the Internet revolution. The city plays a role of singular importance as China's chief source for world-class services and networks. In addition, Hong Kong continues to act as a gateway to many Asian markets. At ISSRE 2001 we bring together the major regional and international players, for a stimulating exchange of ideas and experiences in creating dependable Internet services. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): . Network system reliability . Internet reliability engineering . Quality of network service . Mobile access availability . Electronic commerce . Mobile systems availability . Software diversity . Practice of reliability modeling . Reliability measurement . Software testing and verification . Software reliability models . Fault-tolerant and robust software . Software architecture reliability . Tools . Software safety . Reliability engineering education . Reliability of distributed systems . Technology transfer . Reliability in software processes . Standards and regulation . Dependable e-services . Measurements, empirical studies Special technical sessions, panel discussions and industry tracks will be committed to all facets of reliability engineering in the era of Internet and e-commerce. Submission information ---------------------- We solicit regular papers, tutorial proposals, panel proposals, industry and practical experience reports, fast abstracts and student papers. Best ISSRE'2001 papers will be recommended to IEEE Transactions on Reliabiilty for publication. Student travel awards are available. Details can be found on the ISSRE2001 web site: http://www.issre2001.org. Important dates --------------- April 1, 2001 Abstracts due May 1, 2001 Full papers and experience reports due June 1, 2001 Tutorial proposals, industry abstracts and panel proposals August 1, 2001 Acceptance notifications Sept. 1, 2001 Student papers and fast abstracts due Nov. 28 - Dec. 1, 2001 Conference Sponsors -------- IEEE Reliability Society and IEEE Computer Society, the Committee on Software Reliability Engineering of Technical Council on Software Engineering GENERAL CHAIR Michael R. Lyu, Chinese University, Hong Kong PROGRAM CHAIRS Joanne Bechta Dugan, University of Virginia, USA Aad van Moorsel, HP Labs, USA PROGRAM COMMITTEE Ed Allen, USA Hany Ammar, USA Anneliese Andrews, USA Keijiro Araki, Japan Farokh Bastani, USA Fevzi Belli, Germany Saida Benlarbi, Canada Lionel Briand, Canada Tadashi Dohi, Japan Khaled El Emam, Canada Bill Everett, USA Bill Farr, USA Sudipto Ghosh, USA Swapna Gokhale, USA Bob Horgan, USA John Hudepohl, USA Daniel Jeske, USA Wendel Jones, USA Karama Kanoun, France Lori Kaufman, USA George Knafl, USA Sy-Yen Kuo, Taiwan Jean-Claude Laprie, France Yves Le Traon, France Yashwant Malaiya, USA Jose Carlos Maldonado, Brazil Mod Marathe, USA Aditya Mathur, USA Ken-Ichi Matsumoto, Japan Ying-Hua Min, China John Musa, USA Allen Nikora, USA Mitsuru Ohba, Japan Alberto Pasquini, Italy Noel Samaan, USA Norman Schneidewind, USA Bob Stoddard, USA Lorenzo Strigini, UK Kevin Sullivan, USA Yoshiro Tohma, Japan Kishor Trivedi, USA T.H. Tse, Hong Kong Claes Wohlin, Sweden Min Xie, Singapore Shigeru Yamada, Japan INDUSTRY CHAIR Peter Santhanam, IBM, USA FAST ABSTRACTS CHAIRS Ram Chillarege, Opus 360, USA Timothy Tsai, Avaya, USA STUDENT PAPERS CHAIRS Bojan Cukic, W. Virginia U, USA Carol Smidts, U Maryland, USA TUTORIALS CHAIRS Taghi Khoshgoftaar, FAU, USA Karl Leung, HKU/HKIVE, Hong Kong FINANCE CHAIR Eric Wong, Telcordia, USA SPONSORS CHAIRS K. T. Yung, Productivity Council, Hong Kong Linda Rosenberg, NASA, USA PUBLICATION CHAIR Mladen Vouk, NCSU, USA PUBLICITY CHAIR Jogesh Muppala, UST, Hong Kong REGISTRATION CHAIR Jiannong Cao, Poly. U, Hong Kong LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS Roy Ko, Prod. Council, Hong Kong ACTIVITIES CHAIR Hareton Leung, Poly.U, Hong Kong
Received on Wednesday, 28 February 2001 13:32:21 UTC