RE: Order By

After further review :)

The fact that nulls sort first????, if the value is null it is probably
because the property isn't defined and therefore you could care less, but
these are the ones sorted first???  The spec acts as though this is common
in ANSI standard SQL, but I have only seen the opposite from every DB I have
ever worked with (which maybe means none of them follow the standard)


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Davis []
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 7:47 AM
To: Kevin Wiggen;
Subject: Re: Order By

At 10:16 PM 6/6/00 -0700, Kevin Wiggen wrote:
>Does adding "Order By Content Length" (or any other file specific property)
>automatically add "AND Resource Type = File" to the Where clause of a Dasl
>Or in English, does adding a file specific property to the orderby clause
>a dasl query implicitly make all resources that are returned files?  or do
>the directories and null resources simply sort last?

The latter.   Nowhere does  the spec say that anything is added
(implicitly) to the where clause, and I would never agree to that.  But it
does say  "In the context of the DAV:orderby element, null values are
considered to collate before any actual (i.e., non null) value, including
strings of zero length".  (5.6 in the most recent draft)

Is this a problem either technically or editorially?



Received on Wednesday, 7 June 2000 18:29:23 UTC