Re: is DASL closed?

On Sun, Apr 16, 2000 at 04:03:50PM -0700, Jim Davis wrote:
> At 06:10 PM 4/16/00 -0400, Michael Mealling wrote:
> >Ummm.. Any plans on what to do about DASL's closed working group? At the
> >apps area meeting in Adelaide the group was announced as closed...
> Oh dear, this is news to me, and not good news.  I suppose it serves us
> right, after so many months of dormancy.  

The reason expressed by the ADs was that since there had been no drafts
and that the last milestone as long gone that the group hadn't produced
and that the group was closed. No one at the apps meeting said anything
in favor of it. I was waiting on the chair to say something but when
Alex didn't (he wasn't there) I kept my mouth shut thinking that the ADs 
had talked to Alex about it first.

> Is this true, and is it irrevocable?  Does it mean that the IETF considers
> DASL dead?  Or can it be revived?  

I think the groups main problem was no drafts. Circulating edits on the list
is fine but it shows no _official_ progress. I.e. every major edit
should be an ID. If it can be revived should be between the group (preferably
represented by the chair) and the Area Directors. Is that possible
at this point? I don't know. One good thing would be to publish a draft now 
with warts and all. 

BTW, you should be aware that Ned Freed is the new Apps AD. So your Area
Advisor will probably be him instead of Keith.


Michael Mealling	|      Vote Libertarian!       |
Sr. Research Engineer   |     | ICQ#:         14198821
Network Solutions	|          |

Received on Sunday, 16 April 2000 19:29:28 UTC