DASL Clients to test against DASL Server

Archie Warnock and Kevin Gamiel are developing a DASL server 
that acts as a gateway to Z39.50 servers. The need now is 
for a DASL client to interact with the test server. I checked 
the DASL discussion list archives and didn't see any DASL 
clients annoucements--Can anyone recommend DASL client software 
or another way to emulate interaction with a "typical" DASL 

Eliot Christian, US Geological Survey, 802 National Center, Reston VA 20192
echristi@usgs.gov  Office 703-648-7245  FAX 703-648-7112  Home 703-476-6134

Received on Wednesday, 24 November 1999 09:58:59 UTC