RE: DASL Protocol Nits

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Davis []
> Sent: Friday, July 02, 1999 1:22 PM
> To: Slein, Judith A;
> Subject: Re: DASL Protocol Nits
> >2.  In section 2.5.1 the last sentence before the example -- 
> is this saying
> >that even if the results are ordered, I may not be getting 
> back the first n
> >results, but any arbitrary n results (though the ones I get 
> will be sorted
> >according to the sortby clause)?
> No.  the paragraph before that covers this case.  Care to 
> suggest better
> wording?

Then I don't know what it is trying to say.  Maybe it just isn't needed, and
is confusing me because it isn't really saying anything new?  If the set is
truncated, doesn't that just mean that you are getting some subset of the
results that satisfy the search criteria?  And then the fact that it comes
right after the paragraph on ordering suggests that it's some special remark
about that.

> >6.  In the example at the end of section 5.19.8, 
> "<D:propdesc>" should be
> >"<D:opdesc>".
> Eh? the properties element contains propdesc elements, and 
> the operators
> contains opdesc elements.  Is there a propdesc that should be 
> an opdesc?

Well, section 5.19.8 is about operator descriptions, not about property
descriptions, and the example (the last line of section 5.19.8) is
describing the DAV:like operator, so it should be a DAV:opdesc element.


Received on Friday, 2 July 1999 13:52:11 UTC