Re: DASL / GILS alignment

William Fisher said this:
> 	Others mentioned the Z39.50 protocol and the huge library base
> 	which utilizes that protocol.
> <snip>
> 	So my question is: Are you willing to consider extending this
> 	protocol to cover legacy full-text searching?

Z39.50 has spent the majority of this decade getting "legacy full-text 
searching" right. IMHO, DASL's scope is doable as its stands. Adding
the scope that Z39.50 and "legacy full-text searching" have would make it
impossible to complete in any of the time frames of the implementors.

Please, if we need full text searching algorithms lets use what we have.
If Z39.50 is deficient in some way lets fix that. Not burden DASL, DAV
and, by extension, HTTP with all of the headaches that Z39.50 has already

Now, with that said, a profile of DASL for dealing with a Z39.50 database
in a degenerative but standardized way might be something worth doing...

Sorry to be blunt, but I've seen Z39.50 in action. It solves all of the
right problems. The end result is that its a very hard protocol to 
implement in its entirety. But it solves the problems. You pick hard
problems you have to live with hard solutions.

Just my opinion....


Michael Mealling	|      Vote Libertarian!       |
Sr. Research Engineer   |     | ICQ#:         14198821
Network Solutions	|          |

Received on Thursday, 28 January 1999 00:29:01 UTC