www-webdav-dasl This "WILL" Make you a Fortune ! ! !

As an opportunist like yourself,  I am interested in various income
generating opportunities.  Please scroll down further, as this may
greatly benefit you.

ENTER EMAIL ADDRESS  HERE: mktwisdom@excite.com

Also I would appreciate it if you would take a moment to review
a program I've been working with. So far it has done quite well and
I'm attempting to get this program out to as many people as possible,
as that will make it even more successful for all participants.
Thank you for your time.


Before I say anything, don't stop reading this just because
it looks familiar.  There are many letters similar to this
one circulating right now, and they all promise to make
you a great deal of money very quickly.  But this one
will actually work, and I will tell you why.  I want to
show you how you could make over 80 thousand dollars,
CASH, in the next few months.  (And yes, this is legal!)

New programs are a must! This letter is absolutely
NEW as of mid April 99. I figure that this letter will
start to saturate in about 9 months to a year.  If you get
this after that, I'll be honest with you, you probably won't
make very much money.  For those of you who receive
this in the next several months, you can make a very
large amount of money!


The biggest problem that most of the other money-
generating letters have is cheating.  There is no way to
make sure that the people you send the letter to are
sending their money when they circulate the letter.
When I participated in some other programs, I kept a
careful list of the names and addresses of people who
sent me money (and I did make a little money with most
of those letters) !.  Several times, the letter came back to
me with my name still on the list, and the people who
had signed up below me never sent any money!  Also,
I feel some people put their names in the wrong position
on the list (which doesn't help them at all) Accurate
monitoring of this program will keep them people out.
We don't want them in our program.. and they wont be!
This is not honest and makes using the letter illegal for
the person who does it, and prevents many people from
making very much money.  So I realized that a program
like this really needs to be monitored in order to
ensure the honesty of the participants. This one is
absolutely CHEAT PROOF!


Some people think these income-generating letters
are both unethical and illegal. I personally had a chat
with my postmaster and found this to be totally false.
Fact is ..my postmaster smiled and said  "if it works..
let me know!" Actually, the postal service enjoys the
increased postage revenue he went on to say.
However, when there is an exchange of money, there
MUST be a product or service rendered.  In this case,
we are paying to have our names added to various
mailing lists, (which we can use for future programs) so
you must keep records of participants who send you
cash and who you sent cash to (and there is nothing
unethical about any one making money!) Too much
hassle?  Then any business on or off the net also is,
and you better never plan on quitting you're day job!
If you still feel the need to confirm the legality of this
or other similar programs, refer to (title 18, section,
1302 & 1342 of  the US Postal and Lottery Laws).


If each person completes the following steps in the
next several months they could receive over 80
thousand dollars in under six months!
You will need e-mail in order to use this letter.
Follow these instructions very carefully!  This program
is a little more complex than others, and some work is
involved, but the added steps will insure you of utilizing
this program to its fullest potential.

1) Send an e-mail right away to the validator at:
  validated@gurlmail.com. The subject line should
  be "CONFIRM." In the body of the message, simply
  "copy" the following list of names and addresses.
  After the list, include YOUR name and address.  Be
  certain to use the same name and address where you
  want to receive your money. (our database only recognizes
  names, addresses, and name sequences, so if you're not
  accurate with it, your name will be rejected as "not
  legitimate," and all will be instructed to not send any
  money to you. If there is a "NO" next to a name, do not
  send money to that person!  They are looking for a free ride,
  and will not find it in this program. (If this letter cycles back
  to you, and you wish to place your name on this list again
  after you leave the #1 position, you are free to do so, but you
  must also pay again, this program is also date sensitive)
  FROM PARTICIPATING. So please.. keep it honest and we will all win!!

..........(copy and e-mail names to validator

1. Jeff Haun, 2526 E. St. Rt. 73, Waynesville, OH  45068-9510
2. Art Luff, 6378 Canyon Dawn Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89108
3. Rhonda Glena, P.O. Box  2437  Athems, TX.  75751
4. Esther Hinchliff, 95 MatthewsDrive E-7-177, Hilton Head, SC,
5.Labtech, P.O. Box 241176, Little Rock, AR, 72223
6.Gary L Wikelius,2758 Thomas Ave N, Minneapolis Mn, 55411-1031

......... (copy and e-mail to validator) ...............

2) Now, address six envelopes, one to each of the above
  people.  Send $1.00 (US) to each of the people in the
  spaces numbered 2 through 6.  Send a $5.00 (US)BILL
  to the person in space number ONE.  This increases the
  cost of the program a little bit, but it will also greatly
  increase your return and will inform you when you have
  reached the #1 position on some mailings.
  IMPORTANT.. Be sure to wrap each bill you send in a note
  Note that if you don't request and pay for this service,
3) Send another e-mail, this time to the person who
  sent you this letter, and let them know that you are
  participating in the program. This way, they will be
  able to keep track of how many people are joining
  the program in the level below them.

4) The validator will notify you when the participants on
  your list have received the money you sent.  You
  will receive an e-mail stating that you have "qualified"
  for the program and may now distribute it.  Since you
  need to wait to distribute the program, it is important
  to complete these steps as soon as possible so that
  you can begin making money. (approx. 5 to 7 days)

5) After you have been confirmed to distribute this program:
  #1 Delete the name and address in the number ONE position.
  #2 Now move the other names and addresses up one,
  and add your name and address in the number SIX position.
  You are now free to send out this letter any way you choose.
  There are a number of ways to do this. It is recommended to
  send it to opportunity seekers via e-mail. Also send it to anyone
  who sends you their opportunities. There are some very good
  opportunities on the net, so when you see one that interests you,
  ask for more information, and share yours with them.
  Most of them are opportunists like yourself and are not offended
  to take a look at what you have to offer, but DO NOT SPAM!
  Be careful not to offend anyone, but these people are some
  of the most likely to participate.  Posting free Internet
  classifieds can also be very effective.  Use your favorite
  search engine to look for "free classified ads." Many sites
  will come up.  Post as many as you possibly can, as the key
  to the program's success depends on everyone recruiting as many
  people as possible. If you simply get on this list without actively
  seeking more new members, you and everyone else will fall well short of
  what this program is capable of doing. When people respond to
  your ads, simply send them this letter. You can also post to newsgroups.
  Remember, the more people you send this letter to, the greater
  your profits will be.

  6) You must keep a careful list of participants names and address.
  Each time you receive money, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you
  email their information to the validator, (the same day if possible)
  so their eligibility can be documented. Simply type amount received,
  name, and email of the sender. THAT SIMPLE!  We do the rest.
  This procedure may seem a bit tedious, but these crucial
  steps ensure honesty in this program. Remember..
  honesty and distribution is what makes this program work!!!
  We all win! This is one program where honesty.. definetly pays!!!
  Once five to 10 people have emailed you stating they will
  participate, you have probably promoted the program enough
  to ensure your success. Now sit back and watch what
  happens once those five people follow the simple
  instructions you have just followed!

  1) Just 5 people respond to your letter and each send
  you one dollar ($5.00).

  2) 25 people respond to those 5 people and each send
  you one dollar ($25.00).

  3) 125 people respond to those 25 people and each send
  you one dollar ($125.00).

  4) 625 people respond to those 125 and each send you
  one dollar ($625.00).

  5) 3,125 people respond to those 625 and each send you
  just one dollar ($3,125.00).

  6) 15,625 people respond to those 3,125 and each send
  YOU FIVE DOLLARS ($78,125.00)!

  The total would be $82,030.00, cash, in under six months!
  Imagine being excited about going to your mailbox everyday!
  These possibilities CAN become realities ... Just follow the
  simple instructions!
  Prepare to get excited!!!

ENTER EMAIL ADDRESS HERE:Mktwisdom@excite.com

Received on Sunday, 9 May 1999 18:13:17 UTC