Re: W3C XQL workshop

At 04:02 PM 11/30/98 PST, Jim Davis wrote:
>If anyone who is on this list is attending the W3C Query Languages Workshop
>(December 3rd and 4th, 1998, in Boston) I would be grateful to see a report
>afterwards.  Obviously there's much overlap between DASL and the XML query
>language.  I wish I had know of this workshop earlier.

I will be presenting at that workshop, and would be glad to talk to anyone
about DASL and how it relates to XML query languages like XQL. Although I
am on the WebDAV mailing list, I'm not that well versed on WebDAV, but I
know a lot about query languages for XML.

Texcel Research

Received on Monday, 30 November 1998 20:23:44 UTC