DASL Charter - Comments


	We must not limit the scope of Search and Location 
	only for WEBDAV exposed data . DASL must be orthogonal to
	WEBDAV, I do agree with Rick's argument.

	As DMA group is working towards making DMA and WEBDAV work
	together, It doesnot make sense DASL restricting its scope
	ONLY to WEBDAV exposed data. 

	DASL must focus on Search interoperability across different
	"repositories" - it can be DMA based repositories or WEBDAV
	enabled DMS repositories or Z39.50 databases.

	There is no single, consistent mechanism to perform search and
	locating function in web space today. Most of the implementations
	are completely orthogonal to each other and they cannot
	interoperate. DASL, if not solve all problems, at least define
	a "framework" by which all other multi vendor DMS products can
	work with DASL search protocol.
	Currently, goal of this working group is to just define a search
	protocol for only WEBDAV
	exposed data. Which means that, most of the applications that
	publish content to web through non-webdav mechansims cannot be
	searched using DASL search protocol, which I see as
	a serious limitation. 

I would like to hear your comments also.

best regards,

Surendra Reddy
Oracle Corp.
(650) 506 5441

Received on Saturday, 28 February 1998 10:38:20 UTC