- From: Saveen Reddy (Exchange) <saveenr@Exchange.Microsoft.com>
- Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 12:20:01 -0700
- To: "'www-webdav-dasl@w3.org'" <www-webdav-dasl@w3.org>
I have gone through Rick's scenarios document and create example queries for many of the scenarios. The purpose of this excercise was to see what kinds of problems the query grammar as it exists today has problems with. The examples are below. You will see that one issue regarding XML has been raised. I will send out follow-up mail with some proposed design solutions. Thanks, Saveen ---------- Document Management Search for all the documents that are locked. <select></select> <from> <scope> ... </scope> </from> <where> <propertyexists> the dav ock property </> </where> Issue: does the dav lock property exist only on those properties that are locked? --------- Search for all the owners of locked documents. <select> ????? </select> <from> <scope> ... </scope> </from> <where> <propertyexists> the dav ock property </> </where> Issue: how to tunnel down into XML? Do we need to? ---------- Search for documents that have been locked for more than 1 week. <select></select> <from> <scope> ... </scope> </from> <where> ???? </where> Issue: again XML --------- Search for documents that have not changed in the last year. <select></select> <from> <scope> ... </scope> </from> <where> <lt> <dav:getlastmodified> <literal t:dt="dateTime.iso8601z">somedate</literal> </lt> </where> ---------- Finding a specific document by phrase <select></select> <from> <scope> ... </scope> </from> <where> <contains> <phrase casesensitive="f">literal car</phrase> </> </where> ----------- Finding a specific document by author and date range <select></select> <from> <scope> ... </scope> </from> <where> <and> <eq casesensitive="f"> <foo:author/> <literal>John Doe</literal> <and> <gt> <dav:getlastmodified> <literal t:dt="dateTime.iso8601z">1998/01/01 </literal> </gt> <lt> <dav:getlastmodified> <literal t:dt="dateTime.iso8601z">1998/06/01</literal> </gt> </and </and> </where> Issue: how to tell the difference whether john doe is one ofthe authors or the only author??? ------------- Finding information on a particular topic in an organized collection TBD. --------------- Site Navigation <select></select> <from> <scope> ... </scope> </from> <where> <eq casesensitive="f"> <dav:resourcetype/> <literal>???</literal> </eq> </where> Issue: XML again. ------------ Browse Tree for exploring a document space TBD ------------- Finding documents of a particular kind <select></select> <from> <scope> ... </scope> </from> <where> <eq casesensitive="f"> <dav:getcontenttype> <literal>image/gif</literal> </eq> </where> ---------------- Finding documents of a particular kind <select></select> <from> <scope> ... </scope> </from> <where> <like casesensitive="f"> <dav:getcontenttype> <literal>image/*</literal> </eq> </where> ------------ Finding documents in a particular language <select></select> <from> <scope> ... </scope> </from> <where> <eq casesensitive="f"> <dav:getcontentlanguage> <literal>de</literal> </eq> </where>
Received on Tuesday, 30 June 1998 15:19:42 UTC