- From: Jim Davis <jdavis@parc.xerox.com>
- Date: Sat, 20 Jun 1998 19:24:49 PDT
- To: www-webdav-dasl@w3.org
7.18 Query Schema for DAV:simplesearch The DAV:simplesearch grammar defines a search criteria that is a Boolean-valued expression, and allows for an arbitrary set of properties to be includes in the result record. The result set may be sorted on a set of property values. Accordingly the DTD for schema discovery for this grammar allows the server to express: · the set of properties that may be searched, with associated datatypes · the set of properties that be be selected in the result record · the set of properties that may be sorted 7.18.1 DTD for simplesearch query schema discovery <!ELEMENT simplesearchschema (searchable, selectable, sortable)> <!ELEMENT searchable (prop?) > <!ELEMENT selectable (prop|allprop|searchable)*> <!ELEMENT sortable (prop|allprop|searchable)*> The DAV:searchable element holds a list of properties advertised to be searchable. A server MUST allow a search of any property included in the list, and it MAY allow searches of other properties not listed. Allowing a search does not mean that the property is promised to be defined on every resource, it only indicates the servers willingness to check. The DAV:selectable element holds a list of properties that may be used in the DAV:select clause. The value DAV:allprop means that any defined property may be selected. The value DAV:searchable means that all searchable properties may also be selected. The DAV:sortable element holds a list of properties that may be used in the DAV:sortby clause. The value DAV:allprop means all properties may be used. The value DAV:searchable means that all searchable properties may be used. 7.18.2 Example of Query Schema for DAV:simplesearch <?xml:namespace ns="DAV:" prefix="D"> <?xml:namespace ns="urn:uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882/" prefix="t"?> <?xml:namespace ns="http://dublin.org/dc/" prefix="C"> <D:simplesearchschema> <D:searchable> <D:prop> <D:getcontentlength/ t:dt="t:Int"> <D:getcontenttype/> <D:creationdate/ t:dt="t:dateTime.iso8601tz"> <D:displayname/> <D:getcontentlanguage/> <D:getlastmodified/> <C:author/> </D:prop> </D:searchable> <D:selectable> <D:searchable/> <D:prop> <C:editor/> <C:coverage/> <C:cost/> </D:prop> </D:selectable> <D:sortable> <D:prop> <D:getcontentlength/> <D:rank/> <D:creationdate/> </D:sortable> </D:sortable> </D:simplesearchschema> This response lists seven properties the server will search on. All of them are selectable, and three additional properties may be selected as well. The server will sort only on the properties DAV:rank, DAV:getcontentlength, and DAV:creationdate.
Received on Saturday, 20 June 1998 22:27:30 UTC