Re: The minimum set

I would say that the minimum set of operators is the list in the
requirements, which are also the ones defined in the simplesearch grammar
(I didn't double-check that, but I assume it's true).  A server must
support simplesearch, and so must support all of these operators.  If it
wants to extend the list to others, fine.


At 09:28 AM 4/15/98 PDT, you wrote:
>During the DASL BOF two weeks ago we often ended up saying we needed to
>define the minimum set of useful operations that a server must support. 
>I want to get a feeling of what people on the list are thinking here. To
>spur this on I'll deliberately take the extreme end of "minimum" and say
>that it means an operator for equality and a simple CONTAINS (with some
>variability for case-sensitivity and language). 
>The scenario addressed by this minmum set above is only simple authoring. (I
>realize this doesn't even meet the very first scenario I had in my slides in
>LA, but I wanted to get the discussion going.)
Name:			Judith A. Slein
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Received on Friday, 17 April 1998 12:16:25 UTC