- From: Saveen Reddy (Exchange) <saveenr@Exchange.Microsoft.com>
- Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 17:45:03 -0700
- To: "'www-webdav-dasl@w3.org'" <www-webdav-dasl@w3.org>
I favor avoiding specifying a typing system in DASL for now (in spite of what I wrote on 8.7.6) because typing is still a big open issue for XML in general and to sidestep the problems taking it (or ay specific typing scheme) as a dependency might cause. I propose simply addressing how typing might affect searches for now (keeping in mind how this might vary greatly over servers). Not specifying a typing system can be problematic as well; I'll address that in a soon-to-be-written post to the list. -Saveen -----Original Message----- From: Jim Davis [mailto:jdavis@parc.xerox.com] Sent: Thursday, April 16, 1998 10:42 AM To: www-webdav-dasl@w3.org Subject: DASL ID 3 Apr: is XMLDATA normative for DASL? Can we (should we) incorporate the XML DATA spec as normative (e.g. in 8.7.6 and 8.8). When will it be finished? Could this cause us problems?
Received on Thursday, 16 April 1998 20:45:04 UTC