Re: Indentation errors in scxml examples

Unfortunately it is too late to make any changes to the specification.  
Furthermore, since the working group that produced the specification has 
been dissolved, it is very unlikely that there will be a second version 
of the spec.  However your comments will appear here on the list, and 
people using the specification tend to consult it.



On 9/17/2019 7:14 PM, incike fincike wrote:
> Hi,
> Some of the examples in the SCXML specification contain indentation 
> errors.
> 1.
> <state id="engine"> <initial> <transition target="off"/></initial>
> <state id="on"> <initial> <transition target="idle"/></initial>
> <state id="open"> <transition event="door.close" target="closed"/> 
> </state>
> 2.
> <state id="wrapper" initial="on"> <state id="on" initial="ready">
> <state id="result"> </state> <transition event="OPER" 
> target="opEntered" />
> 3. There are many other 1-character misindentations throughout the 
> whole document which looks unprofessional in a normative document:
> <transition event="DIGIT"> <assign location="short_expr" 
> expr="'.')+1)" 
> /> <send event="DISPLAY.UPDATE" /> </transition>
> <send target="" 
> type="''"> 
> <content> <a xmlns="">fffff</a> </content> </send>
> etc., not to mention that the xml blocks differ in indentation length, 
> some of them uses 4 spaces, some uses 2.
> I suggest to run all the xml insertions through an automatic xml 
> formatter.
> Regards,
> Marton Sari

Received on Tuesday, 24 September 2019 14:44:53 UTC