Re: [SCXML] Incorrect XPath expressions in IR tests 153 & 155

On 2015-02-10 01:02, Ate Douma wrote:
> On 2015-02-10 00:33, Ate Douma wrote:
>> Hi Jim, thanks for the thorough explanation below.
>> However, I'm still not completely convinced of this interpretation, which IMO
>> should be part of the spec, to allow it to be formally validated/confirmed.
>> More comments inline below.
>> On 2015-02-09 23:17, Jim Barnett wrote:
>>> Ate,
>>>    Questions about the XPath datamodel are always tricky, because the group's
>>> XPath experts haven't participated in several years.  ( I'm certainly not an
>>> XPath expert.)  However as I recall our past discussions of this issue, the
>>> consensus was with Zjnue's interpretation.  Specifically, the requirement for
>>> the creation of a <data> node holds for top-level <data> elements only.
>> This I find odd, and doesn't seem to agree with the statements made in section
>> B.3.1, which says:
>>    "For each <data> element in the document the SCXML Processor *must* create a
>>     child of <datamodel> called <data> [...]"
>> and:
>>    "The Processor *must* also bind an XPath variable of the same name to that
>>     datamodel <data> element."
>>> Furthermore, the intent was that <foreach> would have what you call 'transient
>>> pointers' to the array elements.  In particular, we intended that modifications
>>> to those array elements in the course of <foreach> would remain in effect after
>>> the <foreach> terminated.  Specifically, when we say "The SCXML processor /MUST/
>>> act as if it has made a shallow copy of the collection produced by the
>>> evaluation of 'array'" the intent was that _only_ a  shallow copy be made and
>>> that it be possible to access the array elements directly.
>> This maybe better be further clarified in the specification as well then?
>>> Tests 150 and 151 use the same list as tests 153 and 155.  (The .txml file has
>>> <conf:array123> and the xslt transform produces the <node> elements.)  So I
>>> would expect all 4 tests to work the same way, with the XPath variable bound to
>>> the <node> elements in turn.  150 and 151 do not test that the newly created
>>> variable is initially bound to a <data> element.  (Actually, all tests 150 and
>>> 151 do is check that using a <foreach> with a previously undeclared variable
>>> does not raise an error.  The tests are rather bogus because the <foreach>
>>> doesn't do anything, but I was trying to keep the test simple and avoid extra
>>> logic that might introduce subtle errors.)
>> Alright, I can see that.
>> But for example the Var5 'index' variable in test 151, does that really require
>> to hold/store its value in a Node element, as currently the test requires?
>> An XPath variable just as well can just hold a number (as I initially
>> implemented it), but that would fail the test as it is right now.
>>>   As for test 463, it is explicitly testing the structure of a variable created
>>> by the <data> element.  I don't think it is required that _any_ XPath variable
>>> that occurs in an SCXML document have that structure.  I admit that this leaves
>>> open the question of what structure such other variables should have. As the
>>> spec stands, it is implementation-specific.  However, we did intend for the
>>> behavior inside <foreach> to be what Zjnue describes.
>> What I'm wondering about is why there is this required to define a <data>
>> element in the first place. I assume there is (was) a good and explicit reason
>> for it.
>> The only argument I could come up with was that it is used/needed for
>> data communication, ensuring a predefined 'container' <data> node.
>> But if that argument is correct, *then* it doesn't make sense to NOT require
>> this throughout all xpath data model accessors, including the variables, as
>> otherwise this whole 'assurance' would break, depending on which xpath variable
>> could/might have been 'broken' this 'contract' because of some intermediate
>> <foreach> usage somewhere. Especially for xpath variables which *initially* were
>> initialized/binded to a 'top level' <data> element.
> Maybe I can better explain my thoughts on this through an example.
> If we would 'combine' an 'transient' xpath item variable with test 176, like this:
>    <datamodel>
>      <data id="Var1" expr="1"/>
>      <data id="Var2"/>
>      <data id="Var3">
>        <node xmlns="">1</node><node xmlns="">2</node><node xmlns="">3</node>
>      </data>
>    </datamodel>
>    <state id="s0">
>      <onentry>
>       <!-- some fake <foreach/>, resulting in a transient $Var1 'pointing' at
>            <node>3</node> -->
>       <foreach item="Var1" index="Var2" array="$Var3/*"/>
>       <send event="event1">
>         <param name="aParam" expr="$Var1/text()"/>
>       </send>
>      </onentry>
>      <transition event="event1" target="s1">
>        <!-- this now no longer will be valid, as in test 176 -->
>        <assign location="$Var2" expr="$_event/data/data[@id='aParam']/text()"/>
>      </transition>
>      ...
>   </state>
> <ust it be assumed that the assign value expression in the transition on
> "event1" must 'know' the param value "$Var1/text()" was no
> longer a <data> pointer but a transient pointer instead, as 'side-effect' of
> the <foreach> loop?

On second review, scratch this attempt at an example: it is actually incorrect 
and thus not properly explaining what I intended.

>> Anyway, this of course all is speculation and interpretation my side.
>> As you said: the xpath data model definitely is causing a lot of problems.
>> And just FYI (and I already informed Jim about this), I've decided earlier
>> today to cancel my attempt to implement and complete the xpath data model for
>> Apache Commons SCXML.
>> Not all of a sudden or because of the current topic we're discussing, but
>> because it just turns out too much trouble getting it right, for very little
>> actual gain/usage. That is: in the case of Apache Commmons SCXML.
>> Instead, I'll focus now on the proper implementation and completion of the
>> SCXML specification for our primary supported languages Jexl and Groovy.
>> We have little/no real demand for the 'pure' xpath data model as defined by the
>> specification.
>> However, XML/XPath data usage from *within* Jexl/Groovy very much make sense,
>> and this is what Apache Commons SCXML already supports and will continue to do.
>> And that requires a lot less headache :)
>> Thanks,
>> Ate
>>> I'm willing to be persuaded that we're wrong, though.  It may well be that our
>>> intended interpretation causes problems that we did not foresee.
>>> - Jim
>>> P.S. Everyone who has worked with the XPath data model has had problems with it.
>>> On 2/9/2015 4:20 PM, Ate Douma wrote:
>>>> Hi Zjnue,
>>>> On 2015-02-09 19:28, Zjnue Brzavi wrote:
>>>>> Hi Ate,
>>>>>        <datamodel>
>>>>>          <data id="Var1" expr="0"/>
>>>>>          <data id="Var2"/>
>>>>>          <data id="Var3">
>>>>>            <node xmlns="">1</node><node xmlns="">2</node><node
>>>>> xmlns="">3</node>
>>>>>          </data>
>>>>>          <data id="Var4" expr="1"/>
>>>>>        </datamodel>
>>>>> [..]
>>>>>     The "Var2/text()" xpath expressions in the if condition check and the
>>>>>     assignment value expression above are not valid/usable in this context.
>>>>>     The foreach element will assign each of the Var3 <node>x</node>
>>>>> children to
>>>>>     the Var2 variable, and the Var2 variable (its data node) thus will
>>>>> contains
>>>>>     no (direct) text node children, only a (single) "node" child.
>>>>>     To access the actual text value of that "node" child, the expression must
>>>>>     be: "$Var2/*/text()" or if desired "$Var2/node[1]/text()".
>>>>> This is something I've implemented also, and on this rare occasion I have to
>>>>> disagree with the suggestion.
>>>>> Let's take this SO post as context:
>>>>> Now back to the example you've stated.
>>>>> Var3 evaluates to an XMLList, which has this simplified structure:
>>>>> element node (name="node")
>>>>>      text node (value="1")
>>>>> element node (name="node")
>>>>>      text node (value="2")
>>>>> element node (name="node")
>>>>>      text node (value="3")
>>>>> Now, in the foreach structure, as we iterate through this list, we assign a
>>>>> reference to the next element node to Var2.
>>>>> In turn, $Var2/text() evaluates to 1, 2 and 3 as we expect.
>>>>> My guess is that your implementation creates a new XML instance when assigning
>>>>> values to Var2, giving it values such as:
>>>>> root node
>>>>>      element node (name="node")
>>>>>          text node (value="1")
>>>>> root node
>>>>>      element node (name="node")
>>>>>          text node (value="2")
>>>>> and so on, thereby requiring the extra axis specifier as you suggested:
>>>>> $Var2/*/text()   OR  $Var2/node[1]/text()
>>>>> However, as we are dealing with a complex type, I believe it is wrong to
>>>>> create
>>>>> new instances and that we should use references to the existing nodes, making
>>>>> the tests valid as they are currently specified.
>>>>> In my implementation, I have a normalized foreach routine for the different
>>>>> datamodels:
>>>>> This works well for the tests mentioned, when I feed it with an array
>>>>> containing
>>>>> references to the different nodes in the XMLList, formed here:
>>>>> Do you agree?
>>>> I agree such a solution was what I also implemented initially.
>>>> However I changed my view on it and now implemented an actual item copy
>>>> assignment to the variable <data> node, and even create such a <data> node
>>>> first if it doesn't yet exist (as required and tested by tests 150 and 151).
>>>> The reason I changed my implementation is that the wording in the
>>>> specification and the tests made me conclude that the intent is that XPath
>>>> variables (in SCXML) always (must) refer to an actual <data> node with an id
>>>> equal to the variable name.
>>>> In the solution you implemented the XPath variable *initially* refers to such
>>>> a <data> node, but then loses its binding/reference to a datamodel <data> node
>>>> and becomes a 'transient' reference to the intermediate array items.
>>>> Although I'd also rather and more optimally would like to use the XPath
>>>> variables as transient pointers, the spec wording and IR tests don't seem to
>>>> agree with that.
>>>> Your implementation maybe passes each individual tests, but if rules and
>>>> semantics checked in one test should also apply in other tests, then IMO your
>>>> solution no longer is or would be valid.
>>>> Note for example that such transient XPath variable no longer will agree to an
>>>> XPath test like "local-name($Var2)=='data' and '$Var2@id='Var2'", something
>>>> test 463 is testing. Of course not in the context of a <foreach>, but I
>>>> assume(d?) such XPath variable conditions should always be true.
>>>> One thing which seems to be required anyway is that if a <foreach> item or
>>>> index doesn't exist yet, at least a Node element must be created to hold the
>>>> variable data, as for example is checked by tests 150 and 151.
>>>> Note also that in test 151 the index variable, which just 'holds' a number,
>>>> still requires creating a Node variable because of the final test condition
>>>> ""$Var5/* or $Var5/text()".
>>>> A 'normal' XPath variable perfectly well can point to just a number value,
>>>> however the SCXML spec (and/or tests) require even for such variables an
>>>> actual (data) node element.
>>>> But, maybe I've been assuming and interpreting too much into this...
>>>> Trying to get the xpath datamodel implementation working properly, and as
>>>> intended, has been (and still is) quite a challenge so say the least.
>>>> Maybe Jim can chime in and help clarify what the actual or intended
>>>> requirements concerning XPath variables are.
>>>> Thanks, Ate
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Zjnue

Received on Tuesday, 10 February 2015 00:12:59 UTC