- From: Toyoaki Nishida <nishida@i.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
- Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2014 08:44:02 +0900
- To: <icmi2014@ii.ist.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
==Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message== ====================================================================== ICMI 2014: CALL FOR WORKSHOPS ====================================================================== ICMI 2014 will host workshops in emerging areas of multimodal interaction and multimedia processing. The ICMI 2014 workshop program aims to provide researchers with a more informal and discussion oriented forum to discuss emerging topics in multimodal interaction or old ones from a new angle. Topics on unimodal research are very welcome as long as they are novel and interesting. We are eliciting workshop proposals that break away from traditional conference-style presentation formats. Workshops will be held on Sunday November 16th, the days after the main conference. Workshops that run for anywhere between half a day and a full day are possible. Workshop organizers may express preferences, but the workshop chairs will decide on the final schedule. Accepted workshops will be given an ISBN number for inclusion of the proceedings in ACM Digital Library. The page limits for accepted regular workshop papers are 6 pages, including all figures, tables, and references. One-two pages of workshop summary authored by workshop organizers will be included in the main proceedings. The conference organizer will take care of facilities, coffee breaks, and registration for all workshops. To enable this, breaks must be coordinated across workshops. Workshop proposals for ICMI 2014 should include: * The title, goals of the workshop * The specific topics that will be addressed by the workshop * The relevance and significance of this workshop to the main conference * The history of the workshop if it is not the first occurrence * The estimated paper submission volume and paper acceptance rate * Full day or half day workshop program * If there is a journal special issue arrangement for the published workshop papers * A draft workshop call for papers with: the names, affiliations, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of the workshop organizers, who should be experts in the related topics and preferably from multiple institutions * The paper selection process * A list of potential program committee members and their affiliations. Organizers are encouraged to recruit good quality invited speakers. The workshop proposal should comply with SIGX Co-Located Workshops: http://www.acm.org/sigs/volunteer_resources/conference_manual/co-located_wor kshops Workshop proposals should not exceed 5 pages. Evaluation criteria for workshop proposals will include the quality and level of details of the proposal, the theme of the workshop, its relevance to the main conference, and the overall balance of the conference workshop program. Important dates: Workshop proposal submission deadline: March 15th, 2014 Notification to workshop organizers: April 4th, 2014 Workshop organizers publish call: before April 14th, 2014 (suggested) Workshop papers due: July 15th, 2014 (suggested) Workshop summary due: September 5th, 2014 Workshop camera-ready paper due: September 5th, 2014 Workshop chairs send a zip file containing all camera-ready papers to workshop co-chairs by September 15st, 2014 ICMI Workshops: November 16th, 2014 The organizers of accepted workshops are required to announce the workshop and call for papers, solicit submissions, conduct the reviewing process, and decide upon the final workshop program. Please send ICMI workshop proposals and questions to: ICMI 2014 Workshop Chairs: * Alexandros Potamianos (National Technical University of Athens): potam@athena-innovation.gr * Carlos Busso (The University of Texas at Dallas, USA) busso@utdallas.edu _______________________________________________ ICMI 2014 Web Site http://icmi.acm.org/2014/
Received on Sunday, 9 March 2014 19:50:41 UTC