- From: <artur.lugmayr@tut.fi>
- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 03:27:57 +0200 (EET)
- To: www-voice@w3.org
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALL FOR POSITION PAPERS SAME 2012 @ Pervasive 2012 ? 5th International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experience (SAME 2012) The Seventh Sense! Feel, Touch, Listen, Smell ? Unobtrusive Semantic Ambient No-Screen Media 18th June 2012 - in conjunction with Pervasive 2012 Newcastle, UK ******* UPCOMING DEADLINE: 2nd March 2012 - position paper min. pages (!) ******* http://www.ambientmediaassociation.org/same2012 Special Theme 2012: Unobtrusive Semantic Ambient Media Beyond the Screen and Pixels Creating the business value, vision, media theories and technology for ambient media ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAME 2012 The medium is the message! In the age of ubiquitous and pervasive computation, where the information through a distributed interlinked network of devices, the question, ?what is content in the age of ambient media?? becomes more and more of importance. Ambient media are embedded throughout the natural environment of the consumer ? in his home, in his car, in restaurants, and on his mobile device. Predominant example services are smart wallpapers in homes, location based services, RFID based entertainment services for children, or intelligent homes. Today the screen ? touchscreen, mobile phone displays, or LCD displays seem to be the main modality for consuming and interacting with media. However, the main challenge for ambient media is to ?render? the digital world in the natural environment, augment the world around us, and to bring the digital world into the real physical world. The plethora of interactivity becomes a modality for connecting the physical world to the digital overlay and an interaction with physical objects triggering actions in the digital domain. Today, the main device for interaction is the screen and the display ? what about no-screen, no-keyboard, no-mouse media? Current developments as e.g. fluid interfaces, displays beyond mobile phone and PC screens, gadgets for gaming, and outside media products show us that no-screen, no-keyboard, and no-mouse media are possible. The distribution of the medium throughout the natural environment implies a paradigm change of how to think about content. Until recently, content was identified as single entities to information ? a video stream, audio stream, TV broadcast and a screen as display device. However, in the age of ambient media, the notion of content extends from the single entity thinking towards a plethora of sensor networks, smart devices, personalized services, and media embedded in the natural environment of the user. New technologies render traditional screen, keyboard, and mouse concepts obsolete. The user actively participates and co-designs media experience with his location based input. Initiatives as the smart Web considering location-based tagging for web-pages underline this development. Within the scope of this workshop we solely focus on no-screen, no-keyboard, no-mouse based semantic media applications; semantic media applications that can be touched, listened to, felt, smelt. WORKSHOP CHALLENGES The workshop aims at answering the following questions for applications, methods, techniques, and installations that follow the no-screen, no-keyboard, and no-mouse device idea: - How to select, compose, and generate ambient content including a no-screen concept? - How to present ambient content with no-screens? - How to re-use ambient content and learning experiences without utilizing screens or traditional I/O devices?- - What are the characteristics of ambient media, its content, and technology when traditional I/O devices are not utilized? - How can sensor data be interpreted and intelligently mined? - How can collaborative or audience participatory content be supported? - How can existing media such as TV, home entertainment, cinema extended by ambient media? - What are ambient media in terms of story-telling and art that do not use screens? - How do ambient media create business and value and how can ambient media be integrated into business processes and strategies? - Which methods for experience design, prototyping, and business models exist? - What is interactivity between the single consumers and consumer groups in the ambient context? TOPICS OF INTEREST The following (and related) topics are within the scope of this workshop and shall act as examples: - No-screen, no-keyboard, no-mouse gadgets, devices, and hardware - No-screen applications, services, artistic installations, and cases - No-screen application areas: eCommerce, gaming, social media, traditional media, eLearning, etc. - Interactive storytelling, narrations, and interactive advertising - Interaction models, consumer experience, and usability - Unobtrusive semantic ambient media - Algorithms, methods, and techniques supporting no-screen ambient media - Business processes, value-creation, and opportunities of no-screen ambient media - Semantics, and intelligence of ambient content in daily objects not utilizing screen, keyboard, and mouse - Mobile and stationary sensor data collection and interpretation algorithms and techniques - Context awareness and collection and context aware composition/selection - Creation and maintenance of meta-information including metadata and data management - Ambient and mobile social networks, user generated content, and co-creation of content and products - Characteristics of no-screen ambient media, its content, and technological platforms - No-screen ambient content creation techniques, asset management, and programming ambient media - Algorithms and techniques for semantic sensor data interpretation supporting no-screen media - Applications and services, including ambient games, art and leisure content in specific contexts - Personalization, user models, multimodal interaction, smart user interfaces, and universal access - Experience design, usability, audience research, ethnography, user studies, and interface design - Business models, marketing studies, media economics, and ?x?-commerce of no-screen media - Ambient no-screen, no-keyboard, no-mouse interfaces (touch, gesture, haptics, biometrics) - Management of information, knowledge and sapience in the context of semantic no-screen ambient media - Methods for context awareness, sensor networks, and sensor data mining - Semantic data mining and text mining for no-screen media - Semantic models, semantic interpretation for no-screen ambient media presentation - Personalization and methods for locative no-screen media in the wild We are also aiming at multidisciplinary, highly future oriented submissions that help to develop the ambient media form for entertainment services, such as: - Case-studies (successful, and especially unsuccessful ones) - Oral presentation of fresh and innovative ideas - Artistic installations and running system prototypes - User-experience studies and evaluations - Technological novelties, evaluations, and solutions TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience is researchers and practitioners in the field of ubiquitous and pervasive computation and its related areas. These include pervasive computation, emotional computation, content creation, ubiquitous computation, human-computer-interaction and usability experts, mobile industry, service creators, etc. Workshop participants shall have previous experience in this or related fields to be able to contribute on a high scientific level. The workshop participants will actively contribute to the development of semantic ambient media, due to a different method of workshop organization. Participants shall ?participate? rather than passively contribute. The participants shall discuss and actively elaborate the topic and we plan to kick-off an international web-based informal forum for ambient media, which shall increase the effect of this workshop tremendously. We strongly welcome multidisciplinary contributions coming from the media technology, artistic, business, and human experience side. Case studies (successful and especially unsuccessful), artistic installations, technologies, media studies, and user-experience evaluations are highly welcome, which are affecting the development of ambient media as new form of media. Especially visionary contributions shaping the future of ambient media are strongly welcome. IMPORTANT PAPER SUBMISSION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submissions are expected to be 2-10 pages papers according the paper format of Pervasive available at http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0 (however final papers require to be 5-10 pages long) Please submit your paper at our paper submission system: http://webhotel2.tut.fi/emmi/Conferences/2012same/openconf.php Several workshop contributions will be published with ISBN number with the Tampere Univ. Press and online within the ACM DL. Best contributions will be compiled to a special issue following up the workshop - we aim at Springer MTAP after reviewing the quality of contributions Check also the Ambient Media Association (AMEA): www.ambientmediaassociation.org IMPORTANT DATES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission deadlines (deadlines for this workshop are strictly observed!): Mar 2, 2012 : Deadline for Workshop Paper April 2, 2012 : Notification of Accepted Workshop Papers April 20, 2012 : Camera Ready Accepted Workshop Papers Due 18th June 2012: Workshop day WORKSHOP SERIES CONTEXT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pervious Workshops on Semantic Ambient Media Experience: - 1st International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experiences held in conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2008, (Vancouver, Canada), http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=1461912&type=proceeding&coll=ACM&dl=ACM&CFID=96753168&CFTOKEN=49706448 - 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experiences held in conjunction with AmI-09, (Salzburg, Austria), http://webhotel2.tut.fi/emmi/forum/node/55 - 3rd International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experiences held in conjunction with AmI-10, (Malaga, Spain), http://www.ambientmediaassociation.org/node/56 - 4rd International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experiences held in conjunction with 5th International Conference on Communities and Technologies, Brisbane, Australia, http://www.ambientmediaassociation.org/node/60 Previous Special Issues For each held workshop, a special issue has been created with Springer-Verlag Multimedia Tools & Applications. The workshop shall gather people from industry and academia to develop the vision of ambient media as new form of smart media. WORKSHOP CHAIRS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Artur Lugmayr, Tampere University of Technology (TUT) & lugYmedia Inc., FINLAND - Thomas Risse, L3S Research Center, GERMANY - Bjoern Stockleben, Univ. of Applied Sciences Magdeburg, GERMANY - Juha Kaario, Varaani Works Oy, FINLAND - Bogdan Pogorelc, Jozef Stefan Institute & Spica International d.o.o., SLOVENIA - Estefan?a Serral Asensio, Universidad Polit?cnica de Valencia, SPAIN PROGRAM COMMITTEE (not complete) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vivek K Singh, UC, Irvine, Irvine, UNITED STATES Radu-Daniel Vatavu, University Stefan cel Mare of Suceava, Suceava, ROMANIA Seongbok Baik , KT Central R&D Laboratory, Daejeon, REPUBLIC OF KOREA M. Anwar Hossain, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, CANADA Moyen Mohammad Mustaquim, Uppsala University Uppsala, SWEDEN Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, CANADA Andreas Holzinger, Medical University Graz, Graz, AUSTRIA Philippe Codognet, CNRS / University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN
Received on Friday, 24 February 2012 01:28:31 UTC