Re: Confusion about connection/media endpoint inputs and outputs

Hi David,

It's broken. The overriding rule is that the "input" side of anything is 
that which flows through/into
the resource, while the "output" is that which flows out/from the resource.

The good news is that the IR tests verify that these are set-up 
correctly by doing detections
and/or javascript object comparisons of the input/output properties.

The following seems to be a problem in the CCXML 1.0 PR.  Since "the 
term 'Media Endpoint'
is used as a common term to refer both to Connections and Dialogs from 
the perspective of
bridging operations" (10.4), the following statements in
appear to be in contradiction:

 >From 10.2 Connections:
"If a network call is active on a Connection (in the CONNECTED, 
the media stream received from the network is the Connection output, and 
the Connection input media
stream is transmitted to the network."

 >From 10.4 Bridges:
"If a network call is active on a Media Endpoint, the media stream 
received from the network is the
Media Endpoint input, and the Media Endpoint output media stream is 
transmitted to the network."

Or have I misunderstood?  Any clarification would be welcome.
David Scarratt

Chris Davis
Interact Incorporated R&D

Received on Thursday, 16 June 2011 20:06:19 UTC