- From: Scarratt, David <dscarratt@Holly-connects.com>
- Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 21:33:25 -0500
- To: "www-voice@w3.org" <www-voice@w3.org>
There is a regular expression restriction for ECMAScript left-hand-side expressions in the CCXML schema at http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/PR-ccxml-20110510/ccxml.xsd that excludes one of the expressions listed as example LHS expressions in the definition in section 3.4 of the PR. That is, the regular expression <xsd:pattern value="(([$\c]+)|([$\c]+\[[$\c]+\]))(\.(([$\c]+)|([$\c]+\[[$\c]+\])))*"/> rules out the example aaVar['arrayKey'] because it makes no provision for the string literal.
Received on Tuesday, 14 June 2011 00:44:14 UTC