seeking open-source collaborators for SCXML editor project

I am seeking open-source collaborators for this SCXML editor project:

While there are a few other projects under-way, this one I believe is unique
in that
  - graphic attributes (size, position, path, etc) are embedded in the
SCXML, maintaining the integrity of the machine at the human-scxml
  - this app is a stand-alone app built on Qt, which makes it portable to
Mac, Windows, and Linux.
  - the intent is to include state-machine engines in various
languages/frameworks such that the SCXML defined SM  can be instantiated
at run time - removing the process of coding up the state machine in a
programming language.
  - state-machine run-time execution can be modeled and animated
graphically, allowing one to visual operation and debug the machine.

if you are interested, please contact me at


Received on Thursday, 14 April 2011 17:04:20 UTC