- From: <david@davidwdrell.net>
- Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2011 10:03:57 -0700
- To: www-voice@w3.org
I am seeking open-source collaborators for this SCXML editor project: http://www.davidwdrell.net/visualsc.htm While there are a few other projects under-way, this one I believe is unique in that - graphic attributes (size, position, path, etc) are embedded in the SCXML, maintaining the integrity of the machine at the human-scxml interface. - this app is a stand-alone app built on Qt, which makes it portable to Mac, Windows, and Linux. - the intent is to include state-machine engines in various languages/frameworks such that the SCXML defined SM can be instantiated at run time - removing the process of coding up the state machine in a programming language. - state-machine run-time execution can be modeled and animated graphically, allowing one to visual operation and debug the machine. if you are interested, please contact me at david@davidwdrell.net thanks David
Received on Thursday, 14 April 2011 17:04:20 UTC