[SSML] log
Antwort: RE: SCXML specification
Bargein as defined in VoiceXML 2.0 and 2.1 - questions and comments
CCXML WD 19012007 - Limiting amount of connection inputs and other comments.
CCXML WD 19012007 - Limiting amount of connection inputs and other comments. [cc] ISSUE-570
Deadline for Speaker Biometrics Workshop Position Papers Extended to 31 January (was Re: Announcement: Workshop on Speaker Biometrics and VoiceXML 3.0)
Looking for CCXML implementations
Regarding posting ccxml.exit to parent upon child getting a ccxml.kill event
Regarding posting ccxml.exit to parent upon child getting a ccxml.kill event - ISSUE-569 [cc]
SCXML specification
Use of HTTP in VoiceXML3
Last message date: Thursday, 26 March 2009 15:35:38 UTC