Re: CCXML state variable - ISSUE-325


Thanks for the feedback on this. The working group has tracked this as  
ISSUE-325 and will review this to see when we could consider this for  
the CCXML specification. It may be a bit late in the process to go  
into CCXML 1.0 but we may want to look at this for CCXML 1.1. One way  
or another we will let you know the direction we wish to take once we  
have had a chance to review the issue internally.

Thank you and best regards,

RJ Auburn
CTO, Voxeo Corporation

On Jan 24, 2008, at 16:44:17, Yakulis, Ross (Ross) wrote:

> Since the event attribute was removed in the last revision of the  
> CCXML spec, it follows (to me) that the state variable should be  
> implicitly defined at state$ and the attribute statevariable removed  
> from eventprocessor?
> Ross Yakulis

Received on Thursday, 31 January 2008 14:11:36 UTC