Re: CCXML : Query regarding error.semantic - ISSUE-235


This was tracked as ISSUE-235.

This has actually been clarified in the updated version of the spec.  
The new text now states in section 9.1:

Once selected, an object representing the event being processed is  
created at transition scope, and the elements inside the<transition>  
are executed in document order. If ECMAScript evaluation errors occurs  
during the execution of an element within a transition, then  
successive elements within that transition MUST NOT be executed; an  
error.semantic MUST be raised for the element whose attributes could  
not be evaluated. Note that errors caused by failures in the execution  
of an element (such as a<disconnect> on an invalid connection ID),  
including any that generate an ERROR.SEMANTIC event, MUST NOT  
terminate execution of the transition.

We believe this should address your concern and make it clear that  
error.semantic MUST be thrown in these cases.

Please let us know if this addresses your concern. If you think  
further clarification is needed please let us know within 3 weeks  
otherwise we will consider this issue fully resolved.

Best regards,


RJ Auburn
CTO, Voxeo Corporation

On Apr 3, 2007, at 08:05 :57, murulidhara wrote:

> Hi,
> Currently Spec Says
> “It is illegal to make an assignment to a variable that has not been  
> explicitly declared using <var> or a var statement within a<script>.  
> Attempting to assign to an undeclared variable causes an  
> error.semantic event to be thrown.”
> But , is this applicable to accessing also :
> For ex:
> <log expr =”varable_1”/>
> variable_1 is not declared in entire document.
> And log won’t modify or assign value to variable_1.
> Does this cause error.semantic to be thrown by interpreter.  
> Currently spec does not say accessing must result in throwing  
> error.semantic.
> One more typical example will be :
> Accessing an optional attribute in an event. Using event 
> $.optinal_attribute_name , does interpreter throw error.semantic if  
> optinal_attribute_name is not set while throwing event to ccxml  
> interpreter.
> Regards,
> Murali Dhara R
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Received on Thursday, 13 December 2007 15:11:46 UTC