Re: Possible missing content at


Thanks for the comment. This issue was tracked as ISSUE-275. I have  
checked the latest internal draft of the spec and this typeo has  
indeed been corrected. These were for lines in the table that are no  
longer there and it was an editing oversight that caused these rows  
to remain in the last public draft.

Best regards,


RJ Auburn
CTO, Voxeo Corporation

On Jun 7, 2007, at 9:59 AM, Suhan Andrei wrote:

> Hi,
> There are 2 rows of properties in the table from (10.2.2:  
> Connection Object) that have no name . see below :
> dialogidfalseThis property is the identifier of an associated  
> dialog, if there is one currently using the connection.
> localfalseThis property is a URI which addresses the interpreter  
> platform; for an incoming call, this is the called URI; for a  
> redirected incoming call, this is also the most recent redirection,  
> and the prior values are contained in the "redirect" property; for  
> an outgoing call, this is the calling URI.
> Is there any way to know what they are as they are required ? Or it  
> is a typo error ?
> Best Regards,
> Andrei Suhan.
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Received on Thursday, 5 July 2007 13:31:47 UTC