vxml2.1 disconnect/namelist question

in the event that multiple disconnect elements get executed, do later namelists
clobber the earlier ones, or does only the first set get returned, or
do the names
stack up somehow?

I'm going with the first executed disconnect setting the disconnect return value
portion, and later disconnects that get executed after the connection
has already
closed (such as in final processing, or in exception handlers) do not affect the
disconnect slot in the returned data object.

http://www.w3.org/TR/voicexml21/#sec-disconnect could be revised to reflect
this clarification.

"When the day comes that anyone can bend our country's laws and
lawmakers to serve selfish, competitive ends, that day democratic
government dies. And we're just optimistic enough to believe that once
the facts are on the table, American public opinion will walk in with
a big stick." -- Preston Tucker, June 15, 1948

Received on Wednesday, 28 March 2007 18:31:58 UTC