RE: SCXML: New version of Synergy SCXML

> OK, I see what the problem is. We'll try to address it in the next draft. We added the automatically generated ID in response to a previous comment that
 > the state ID was insufficient (if you leave and re-enter a state quickly, you may get multiple responses back with the same state ID and cannot assign them
 > to the different invocations.)  We'll have to re-examine that use case as well.
 I think the issue with multiple invocations is problem of a implementation. Not of the standard.
 Implementor must protect FSM from old invocation's events.
 If FSM re-enter to the state, it means that FSM isn't interested in old invocation any more.
 Perhaps it means necessity of the automatically generated ID. But it's internal  substance of a SCXML interpreter.
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Received on Wednesday, 21 March 2007 15:32:20 UTC