Re: Suggestion for grammar element in VoiceXML 2.1

Hi Matt,

In continuation with my previous mails.. let me try to explain more ...


When would an application programmer want to put a grammar element at dialog
or higher levels...??

>>> I think that for cases where the grammar is to be activated for all
input items (non-modal).[The crux is that these grammars are DEFINED with
the ASR only once and then just activated as and when needed for all the
input items.]


Now, why would an application programmer use a grammar element with
'srcexpr' attribute.??

>>> When the grammar can evaluate to a different URI for the current input
item. [These grammars have to re-DEFINED with the ASR before actually
activating them for current input item].


But then if the same grammar element with 'srcexpr' is present at dialog or
higher level..then the whole advantage of reusing the grammar (defined once
during initialization of dialog or document) for each input item is not
utilized.since the grammars have to be again DEFINED with the ASR for each
input item..


In case we want to DEFINE different grammar for each input item, then the
right place for that should be within the input item.since the grammar is
never reused even though its present at dialog level.


That said...may be this cannot be added as a restriction in specification,
but IMHO if an application uses 'srcexpr' in this way.then it needs some

Please let me know in case my understanding is not correct.


Thanks !!







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Received on Wednesday, 28 February 2007 08:55:47 UTC