Re: allowing <onentry> and <onexit> inside <final>

Well, perhaps unreachable in most cases, but what about a case like this?

<scxml initialstate="s1">
   <state id="s1">
      <invoke id="i" targettype="scxml">
            <scxml initialstate="f1">
               <final id="f1">
                     <log expr="'Hello'"/>
      <transition event="i.Done" target="f2"/>
   <final id="f2"/>

The analogy with something on the lines of

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<scxml initialstate="p">
   <parallel id="p">
      <final id="f1">
            <log expr="'Hello'"/>
   </parallel >
   <transition event="p.Done" target="f2"/>
   <final id="f2"/>

where the <onexit> _should_ be executed, may be worth considering.

- Torbjörn

On 4/10/07, Serge Voloshenyuk <> wrote:
> >But what about the <onexit> children of a <final> which is a child of
> <scxml>?
> I think it's unreachable code.
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Received on Tuesday, 10 April 2007 05:11:43 UTC